Last Days of Summer Gardening Camp

Got all your Summer camps figured out, but not sure what to do those last few days before school starts? As OUSD moms, same here! 

That’s why we’re offering a one-week gardening-inspired camp August 5-9, in an expansive home garden setting right by Dimond Park. 

During our week together, campers will spend their time immersed in the delights of a working garden. They will connect to plants and each-other through structured activities as well as unstructured play and free-choice time.

Mornings will consist of learning to cook from the garden and creating garden-inspired arts and crafts. We will also take little field trips down the street to Dimond Park to get those wiggles out, and one of the days do a nearby nature hike to collect treasures for one of our projects. If we’re met with some hot late-Summer days, we’ll also have opportunities for water play. A daily garden-inspired snack will either be provided or the kids will make one themselves as part of our morning activity.

Space is limited and we can’t wait to welcome your kiddos into the garden! 

Dates: August 5-9

Hours: 9am - 3pm

Who: incoming 1st to 3rd graders

Cost: $450 for the 5 days